Can I drop in-store?
Absolutely! We are located at Ballygarrett Gorey Co. Wexford and would be delighted to welcome you to our store. We trade from 9.00am to 6.00pm, Monday to Saturday. You can view our location map below. It is always advisable to ring ahead to ensure the item you require is in stock and available for collection.
How long does delivery take?
This will vary by product and destination. If the product is held in store and is in stock the item will be received within one working day. Larger items which ship direct from manufacturers may take up to three working days.
Deliveries outside of Ireland will take longer. The UK will take three working days with longer delivery times on larger items. If you require a more specific delivery time please contact us.
If I order for collection, how soon can I collect my order?
If you order for collection, please wait until you have received a text or email from us ensuring your items are in stock and ready. Also, please be sure to leave a relevant phone number when placing your order. We will get your order ready as quickly as possible but there may be a large amount of orders received and it takes some time to pick orders.
Certain larger items may not be held in stock and may be ordered to the store for collection. Other items may run low in stock in store but still be showing live stock on the website while stock levels are waiting to be replenished.
As soon as you receive confirmation that your order is ready, collection can be made in our store at your convenience.
Do you deliver outside of Ireland?
We deliver outside of Ireland, to Britain, across Europe and beyond. The cost of postage depends on the destination and weight of the product. This can be broken down once we have delivery details.
Are bulk discounts available?
Depending on stock availability and the nature of the product a bulk discount may be applicable. If you request multiple quantities of one of our products please contact us for a quote.